Turbocharge Your Healthy Living Goals: 30 Easy Moves
1. Have a no-judgment day. Dr. Mehmet Oz recommends that you pick one day and live it without judging. Not anything, not anybody—and that includes yourself.
2. Add a vegetable to your lunch. Cucumbers in a sandwich, for instance, can be a whole new healthy (addictive) taste experience.
3. Put your workout shoes by the door. Every moment you spend hunting for them or going back upstairs to get them is another opportunity to back out of your workout plan.
4. Sign up for a race. Raise the "you have to work out today" stakes by signing up for some sort of charity walk or race that scares you a little bit.
5. Do one "real" push-up. One. That's all we're asking.
6. Leave something on your plate tonight...other than parsley.
7. Buy something new to work out in. And make it cute.
8. Wear the same socks you did yesterday. Just get to the gym! No excuses.
9. Browse your vacation photos. Remember what made it great and bring one little attitude shift into your day.
10. Breathe.
11. Imagine your skinny, fit, sane, cool life. Write down one way it will make you feel. That's all you have to do.
12. Do another "real" push-up today. That's two more than you could/would do a week ago.
13. Get inspired with Hood to Coast, a documentary about four teams of extraordinary people – including some committed nonexercisers – as they try to complete the world's largest relay foot race. That's 197 miles from Mt. Hood to Seaside.
14. Waste 10 minutes. Do something you're interested in that "doesn't get you anywhere." See where it does get you. Might help you make new connections in your mind that jump start your inspiration and your dreams.
15. For 30 seconds today, do something harder than you ever thought possible. Push harder on the elliptical. Do one more rep in weight training.
16. Make a new workout playlist.
17. Chop extra veggies. While you have the knife and cutting board out, chop veggies for tomorrow, too.
18. Keep your head in the moment. Don't bring past or future issues with you to work, to your workout—or to bed.
19. Crawl. Seriously, get on your hands and feet (bend your knees, but don't let them touch the ground) and crawl across the floor a few times. It's tough! And it's an amazing abs workout.
20. Appreciate something. About yourself. Look in the mirror and compliment yourself on something. Bonus points if you compliment yourself on 10 things.
21. First thing in the morning, stretch.
22. Go to bed earlier. Makes you feel better and eat less. Moving your bedtime up by 5 minutes a day gets you 35 minutes more rest every night.
23. Trade your baked potato for a sweet one. The most compelling reason? It boosts your sex life. Oh, wait. We mean the compelling reason is that it tastes great and gives you tons of nutrients and healthy fiber.
24. Read about someone awesome. Success stories get us every time.
25. Write down your successes. Jot down what you did right today...or for the past 25 days. 26. Listen to what someone else has to say.
27. Play a game.
28. Today, don't eat anything processed. Too much? Then start by going natural just at breakfast.
29. Apply self-tanner. Gives you that just-back-from-Barbados look (and makes you look slimmer, too).
30. Reach into the freezer. Go past the frozen pizza and hit the frozen veggies. They're flash frozen at the peak of ripeness and sometimes have more nutrients than fresh veggies that have been on the shelf (or in your crisper drawer) too long.
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